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Today is polling day

by Adam Brookes on 25 June, 2015

Today is polling day here in Market & West Deeping. There are two elections taking place; for the Market & West Deeping ward of South Kesteven District Council and for the Market Deeping Town Council. I am proud to be the Lib Dem candidate in both elections.

I’d like to thank all of those I’ve met who have taken the time to discuss the issues they care about locally, and I’m very grateful for the encouragement and support I’ve received in wanting to stand up for our area.

Polling stations are open from 7am until 10pm, and you should have received a polling card with details of your polling station. You don’t need your polling card with you to vote.

You can vote for up to three candidates in the District election, and in Market Deeping, up to thirteen for the Town Council election.

If you have a postal vote then you cannot vote in person at a polling station but you can return your completed postal vote envelope to any polling station before 10pm this evening.

For a committed and passionate voice for our area, please lend me your support and ask your friends and family do to the same.

In West Deeping, the polling station is located at The Red Lion. In Market Deeping, if you liveĀ in the highlighted area of the map below then your polling station is at the Deepings Community Centre. For everyone else in Market Deeping, your polling station is located at The Green School on Church Street, oppositeĀ St Guthlac’s centre polling station


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